First Login

When you login for the first time, you'll be prompted to complete your user profile. It'll first ask you to fill in your display name and a profile photo.

<aside> ℹ️ Adding a photo or avatar will make it easier for people to recognize you throughout the event.


These are the first screens you'll encounter when logging in. You can change all of these later on your profile page.

Add your display name for the event.

Add your display name for the event.

Select a randomized icon or upload a profile picture.

Select a randomized icon or upload a profile picture.

Additional Profile Questions

We have added a few optional profile questions. They'll help you to share some more details about you with the rest of the attendees:

This is how others will see your profile information when clicking on your username in the chat.

Additional Profile Questions

Additional Profile Questions

What you profile will look like to others.

What you profile will look like to others.

Changing Your Profile

You can change your profile at any time by clicking on the Gear icon next to you name a the bottom. Or you can access it by going to

